Dallas, Texas – Jack Attack, a cherished pet, has tragically passed away today, November 25, 2024, after being put to sleep by his owner, Alissa Horton.
The emotional loss has deeply affected his family, who have shared their grief with the community.
Alissa, who organized a GoFundMe campaign to help with the vet bills, expressed her sorrow on social media, stating, "Today I had to put my sweet precious boy Jack Attack to sleep."
The campaign was aimed at covering the unexpected costs, which included a vet bill of over $500.
Many on social media have shown their support, with several people offering condolences and expressing their sadness at the loss of such a beloved companion.
Jack Attack’s passing has left a void in Alissa's life, and tributes have been pouring in from friends and supporters.
As the holiday season approaches, Alissa’s heartfelt message continues to resonate with those who understand the bond between a pet and their owner.